Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Inefficiency of the Post Office

Wow. Today at the post office was amazing. I don't know how some of this country functions, man. I had three things to send, and I was in there for soooo long. Its the MAIN post office in Hanoi. And there is ONE girl working there. I had a nice package for my family, all wrapped up in pretty wrapping paper. And she ripped it off, tore open the box and examined every article inside. Apparently, anything bigger than a letter has to be examined and checked off. Is that just a communist thing, or does America require it so that I'm not sending drugs back or something? I don't get it. I had to fill out 10 forms, literally. The tools available to her were very advanced...she had a roll of packing tap, and a pen. The pen functioned as scissors, a knife, a writing utensil, and a nose scratcher btw. I don't know how to explain it. Its just that she's there all alone, with not enough tools to do her job, with dozens of crazy foreigners throwing stuff at her to pack up into a box, and she probably gets paid less than 1/10th of what I got paid at Hollywood video. The governement needs to hire more people there. I now appreciate the DMV even.


At 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow...when you appreciate dmv...that's when you know.


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