Monday, October 31, 2005

We stopped at this waterfall for lunch. Diane and Kristy shared their lunches with me due to circumstances that were quite tragic. I don't want to get to much into in via blogging, as it was a deeply emotional experience for me, and it really affected me in a way that I have never felt...but there were some village kids along the way watching us ...and we noticed that one of them had a needle. Like a needle attached to a catheter looking thing. He had it in his mouth, and was poking his friends with it. ...Walking away from that tiny village, I had the needle stashed in my backpack, and my lunch in the hands of the kids. The boy said he found the needle in the trash. They gave up that horrible form of entertainment in exchange for my two rolls of bread, one orange, and banana. I can't explain it. It hurts me incredibly now, just thinking about it. I'm not trying to minimize the experience or make it any less meaningful by posting it on my blog, but I think that reminding everyone that every single one of you is infinitely blessed in comparison to some, is important. A needle...G-d. Its hard for me to think about that, and not be ashamed that I had a good time on the hike overall.  Posted by Picasa


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