Thursday, October 27, 2005

This is a picture of me studying hardcore at a local cafe, near our school. I go to this cafe with some peeps almost everyday inbetween classes. M-Thurs I have language class from 10:00-11:30, and M-Wed I have a class afterwards at 12:45. That hour and 15 minute break is not enough time to go all the way home, and come back, but it is enough time to grab lunch. On schooldays, my lunch usually consists of rice and tofu/fried chinese broccoli, or vermecelli noodles and tofu dipped in a smelly smelly smelly shrimp, it took me a few seconds to recall the word "shrimp"...the only thing that came to mind was "tom" (pronounced with long o: shrimp in Vietnamese). But, on one ever has time for lunch! We drink a million coffees (as shown) and skim as much as we can for Gerard's class. No one ever finishes the reading, so on Tuesdays, we are always hungry, and caffined up, and never want to open Nguyen Khac Vien's "A Long History of Vietnam" again. The reason we never get our reading done is because our Monday nights are full. Every Monday night, Gerard treats us to dinner, and then afterwards we watch a movie. This week the movie was "The Fog of War" which is a Robert McNamara documentary. I highly recommend it. One more thing, I once again, stole this picture from Tan. If you are interested, he keeps up an excellent blog. Award winning, if there were such thing as a blog award. So if you want to look at his too, he may be a stranger to you, but he is a good friend of mine, so read his blog too! His site is: . Wow, okay, I really need to study. Internet Cafe's are distracting. Okay, I'm distracting myself... bye bye! Posted by Picasa


At 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Steff!! its Masato!! I emailed you!! Email me back.. I need to talk to you~ Take carez..ttyl..


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