Monday, October 31, 2005

In the village that we hiked to, and stayed at overnight, I got a chance to help with the preparation of dinner. Dinner was amazing, and the village, and its surrounding scenery will always stay in my memory as one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. To look around and see souring mountains, covered in splashes of fog, with no fences or powerlines, streams and waterfalls trickling in various spots. Man. I can't describe it. Nonetheless, I'm getting off topic. Helping with dinner was fun, and washing dishes afterwards...yay! Washing dishes is like a cultural experience here...nothing like at home (home home).. hehehe. Sorry mommy and a'days one home: "Home" means Hanoi D8. and "Home Home" means California. Thats pretty much how it is for all of us EAP'ers. Every hour or so I say or hear someone ask "do you mean home, or home home?" topic again. :) Posted by Picasa


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